A history that comes from fa away, an Italian story
Our history
From 1966 until today

Established at the end of the 60s in San Rocco al Porto next to Milan – now under the Province of Lodi – FormecBiffi is a leading producer in the food sector with its two brands Biffi and Gaia. This success has grown over the years thanks to continuous investment in Research.Everything started with mayonnaise. With this product Dott. Pietro Casella, , founder of Formec, created his company, in a time when ready meals were still an exception, especially in Italy. The intuition of Pietro Casella was to believe in the evolution of this market and of thedevelopment of retailers,as well as consumers’ habits. This vocation to innovation is still inspiring our activity, since we work to anticipate market needs with a special attention to the most evolved segments that the demand.
1966 1969
On August 23rd as limited partnership company located in San Rocco al Porto,”Formec Alimentari di Casella dr. Pietro e C.” hen the first two drafts of Formec brand were created, as well as that of the first item: Mamy cheese in tube was the first product launched in the 120sm of the first premises. At the same time, the first “Oro” mayonnaise was produced, anticipating all the following sauces that established Formec success.
Just after 3 years from the establishment of the company, Formec wants to grow and from Limited Partnership becomes Public Limited Liability Company.
1970 1971 1972 – 1973 1975 1976 – 1978
he factory is enlarged; further to the first commercial development, at the beginning of the 70s the first part of the production deparmnet is built. There, ”Oro” mayonnaise and powders for ‘‘Delicada” drinking water are produced as well. Then we started with the first private labels: Sasso and Coop.
We developed the first product research and laboratory tests; a sealing test is carried out for powders of drinking water: the target is achieved even though it was still empirical.
The first mayonnaise recipe is developed when eggs were still broken by hand and the first production lines are activated.
First international prizes: “Premio Qualità” e il “Premio Europeo per l’Imballaggio” given to “Maionese in Salsiera”
Formec launches new items and widens its range; Solvay range starts being distributed.
1980 1981 1982 – 1983 1985
Il Mr. Pietro Casella is given Beneremenza diploma
New range Gaia : this line is at the beginning made with mayonnaise and sauces. But it would soon evolve up to the current 60 specialties. In the same year, our Laboratory was widened and renovated.
New range “Le Caravelle” it was dedicated to specialty shops with the first unpasteurised pesto . This item is still one of our main strenghts since it keeps all organoleptic features. First restyling of Gaia line.
Formec Biffi bought “Biffi Pasticceria”, brand whose tradition was rooted in the far 1852. A brand that is symbol of the Italian food excellence.
The winning idea was to keep the premium positioning of this brand and to move it on sauces category.
Formec strarts working in the chilled sector with Pesto Nonna Amelia
Precursor in the organic production in 2000 Formec is among the first Italian companies to supply organic items.
First on the market, Formec launches a chilled organic pesto without GMO and gluten-free.
Formec has always cared about the new market trends and has always been multicultural: that’s why in 2012 the first ethnic range was created.
Nasce la Linea di Sughi Biffi 100% Vegetale: una linea che rivisita in chiave naturale i classici della tradizione gastronomica Italiana. I primi 3 prodotti della Linea sono : Ragù di Soia, Pesto con Tofu e Sugo di Verdure.
Da Dicembre 2014 i prodotti Biffi sono acquistabili direttamente online, sullo store ufficiale www.biffishop.it.