A new line of Sauces, entirely dedicated to the Street Food …absolute novelty in the market. There are 5 references created by our R & D labs: Ketchup Hot, Barbecue Hot Sauce, Burger Sauce, Black Pepper Sauce and Pink Pepper Sauce. Featuring innovative and artistic packaging, aligned with the new ”Street Food boom”: in 2016 Street Food is consumed by two Italians on three. Ideal with sandwiches, grilled meat, Happy Hour and piadines. All Street Food Sauces are Gluten-free and produced in Italy.
Find out more on www.gaia.eu.

Formec Biffi annually rewards the best Street Artist of the International Panorama. The company puts unused oil tankers like ‘canvases’ for their works: this is how the ‘Tank Park’ of Formec was born, with over 20 tanks, and it is constantly increasing. In addition to the ‘tank’, the company has made one of the most impressive Street Art works in Lombardy: the painted wall encircling the company is more than 200 meters long. These graphics have inspired the packaging of the new Street Food Sauces. The combination of Art and Food is a constant for Formec Biffi, and finds fulfillment in the Company’s Park, full of art and sculptures, and in the activity of Biffi Arte Gallery, in the historic center of Piacenza.
Find out more on www.biffiarte.it